Hej faddrar!

Ni har kanske hört att Libanon har stängt ner pga coronaviruset. Hur kommer det att gå i de överbefolkade palestinska lägren? Är det överhuvudtaget möjligt att göra något?
Långt ifrån att förtvivla så samlar CYC alla tänkbara organisationer i Shatila och närliggande Mar Elias för att sätta in motåtgärder.
Läs gärna den engelska översättningen av protokollet nedan. Det säger mycket om den motståndskraft som Shatila och CYC har


The small committee meeting was on Friday13-3-2020 at the Children and Youth Center- CYC in the presence of the Popular Committees – Shatila, UNRWA, MSF, Palestinian Red Crescent, Popular Front, Palestinian national Security, Civil Defense, Popular Committee – Mar Elias Camp, Palestinian National Forum, the Children & Youth Centre – CYC.

A summary of yesterday meeting was presented, the Ideas and opinions of confronting the risks of the increasing spread of Corona Virus and the increasing number of victims and infections. The importance of concerted efforts to prevent and protect the camp population in general from the spreading of the virus in an enabling environment in terms of demographic crowding, housing and overpopulation, and space constraints, in light of poverty, unemployment and lack of services.
The preesents expressed their satisfaction that no infection or patients were infected with the virus in the Palestinian and Syrian camps, despite the racist and discriminatory voices regarding the refugees, accusing them of the source of the virus and the need to close the camps and limit the movement of its residents.
The attandees affirmed the responsibility of the Lebanese government for the safety of all residents on Lebanese teretorries, as well as UNRWA from the position of its international responsibility for health, education and social camps services.
The meeting identified two frameworks in the action plan.
1- The responsible reference framework on orientation and demand, at the government level, the Lebanese Ministry of Health, the municipalities and the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee. UNRWA and international bodies and organizations, On the Palestinian, Palestinian Liberation Organization, Palestinian embassy, ​​Palestinian Red Crescent, the Factions and national security. And civil society organizations – NGO’s.
2- The field executive framework of Emergency Committee from: The popular committees, NGO’s, UNRWA, the Red Crescent, civil defense, local and international medical and social institutions / MSF and the Municipality of Ghobeiry.

Emphasis was placed on carrying out a preventive awareness campaign for people, distributing flyers and brochures for people, and how to report to the organization in the camp or via the hotline.
– Training and equipping work teams and providing protection supplies for individuals and heat detection devices.
– (MSF is ready to train 75 volunteers of the NGO’s, divided to groups, each from 15 people. This will take place on Tuesday in
17-3-2020. The Children & Youth Center has been requested to be the training and starting center)
– Reaching all homes and families in the camp to educate the population, distribute directive leaflets, and guide them on the steps to follow doubted effected cases,
and the necessity of immediate notification.
– In light of the economic crisis, stopping work and poverty, the necessity of providing hygiene, prevention and sterilization materials and distributing them to families,
especially the poor ones.
– Preventing gatherings, continuing close schools, kindergartens, stopping group gothering, or national occasions, weddings, or sorrows from condolences.
– In case of the emergency continue, it is imperative to think about relief issues for the people, in terms of the distribution food rations, as well as the
providing medicin to hronic diseases, and individual elderly ages, as well as ensuring the arrival of patients of the dialysis, or chemotherapy for cancer patients.
– If there is cases need to be isolated and in front of the distorted demographic situation in the camps, such as housing, population, overcrowding, housing constraints,
and lack of facilities, it becomes necessary to find isolation centers outside the family, in schools, isolated homes, or public places outside the camp.
– Communicating with the popular committees in the other camps to exchange information and experiences
– Communicating with the Ghobeiri Municipality and neighboring association to cooperate and take joint public safety measures.