Abu Mujaheds rapport från Libanon november 2019

Dearest friends to CYC

I am so sorry for being late with my writing, The truth is we are passing a very serious situation since last year . I was mentioning that our sources are facing a big pressure from USA to dry it, through the difficulties of receiving support through bank transfer, pressure on reducing the funds to the NGO’s and the pressure to close UNRWA, closing banks in Lebanon. threating political parties and individuals especially the resistance to close organization in Lebanon and Palestine and the region and world, putting them on black list, squeezing PLO financially etc.

Now Lebanon is facing the most critical period, chaos, corruption, closing the country, bankrupt. No money, no dollars, the banks not paying their customers their money. 1200 associations, companies, restaurants, shops are closed. 125 000 jobs stopped already in Beirut. 3 people already killed themselves out of the economical situation. At the beginning of November I was going weekly to the bank to get 1000 Dollars, but last two weeks I am going to the bank 3 and 4 times every week, I fight to get 400 or 500 Dollars, the bank change 1 Dollar by 1515 L.Pounds. But the change shops exchange dollars by 2050 to 2300 L Pounds. The banks don’t sell dollars, only buying dollars or paying the dollars by Lebanese Pound.

CYC is not alone. All the businesses, private sector, public, social field are not able to get money to run their work or to pay the salaries to their staffs. Some of them paying 75% or 50% of the salaries. The politicians sent their money already out of the country, The politicians of Lebanon as usual they belong to many governments abroad, but not Lebanon. So how they can reach to a common solution as long as each one is waiting green light from abroad? The main number of the Popular movements are protesting and demonstrating when they receive order, cut roads, or stop or close or make chaos in the streets. Suddenly they start implementing the abroad orders in the country, Of course people have right to be angry and against all the fouls and corrupted political system of Lebanon but unfortunately they are used by some groups of rotten organizations and media rolled by USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel. As I said before, unfortunately the communists and democratic organizations and groups are trying to be existed in this movement, but their role is limited. The region is boiling, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere. It is taking the shape of economical war, chaos, indirect pressure and clashes between USA and its alliance against Iran and Russia and their alliance, which mean the story is long.

Today there is call from the President to the Parliament members for an Obligatory Consulting to nominate a new Prime Minister next Monday to establish a new government, but the political atmosphere doesn’t show soon solution. If the situation continues like that I hope we can manage to continue with the same amount of CYC work, activities and programs. We need at least 100 00 US$ a month to cover Shatila and Nahr El Bared staff of the remedial and kindergarten staffs and the running costs, plus sports and folklore and Fridays activities etc. I wish we don’t need to cut or stop anything.

That show that not only we need help and support, but also as I was telling our friends in Italy, after we receive through the Pay Pal account of the Net Donation account in Italy from our friends in France and Australia and others about 3000 Euro. The problem not only to receive donation, but how to get it in hand. Because we have money in the bank account in Lebanon, but we are not able to get it. So first problem how to receive the bank transfer, then how to receive it from the bank cash. I hope this issue to be easier after the establishing a new government if they succeed establish it really.

  Thank you and all the friends there