Kulturkvällen den 28/4

Abu Mujahed har översatt berättelsen om kvällen på Allégården till arabiska och skickat ut text och bilder till CYCs vänner, samt lagt det på CYC´s hemsida, cyc.org

I hans mail finns också ett stort tack till alla som i solidaritet gjorde kvällen möjlig.
Han visste inte då (nu vet han) att insamlingen blev fantastiska 15 000 kronor, som vi fått till stiftelsen, för att skicka ner till CYC.
Läs hans ord härnere!
Och tack för den inramade affischen!
/ stiftelsen genom Eva

On 28 April there was A solidarity evening supporting the CYC, initiated and arranged by the quire “Motvals”. It was a chance to inform about the history and activities of CYC, and about the CYC foundation and to exhibit some photos. After all it was a very nice concert with friendly audience. They were invited to have some fun with a music quiz about solidarity. The winner received A beautiful round wooden plate painted with Palestinian flag and small houses made by the children of CYC.

All the income money of this appreciated and wonderful evening will be contributed to CYC children and youth in Shatila Camp.

A big thanks from CYC – Shatila to the wonderful friends of MOTVALS Team for their initiative, efforts and solidarity with the Palestinian children and people especially in the critical moment we are passing through, where the Palestinian are in real need to support, solidarity and protection from the Israeli and US aggressive policies which is threaten the life of every child, woman and civilian in their daily lives in the occupied territories of Palestine..  Thanks to our friends The  CYC Foundation team in Sweden and to the God parents and friends for their amazing energy and work for the CYC in Shatila camp in Lebanon…

Några bilder från kvällen: