Letter from CYC in connection with Kickans funeral

Dear Kickan’s small and big family.

Dear CYC Foundation Board, Eva, Charlotte. Peter and Nestor

Dear PFF, Bengt, Henrik and other friends

Dear Mixgården, Peloza and presence committee

Dear Hammarkulleskolan, Ebba and the student group

Dear Godparents

Warmest and sad greetings to all

Unfortunately, tomorrow is the last chance to be close to dear Kickan before she leaves her presence physically from here. But she will always have a huge place in the memory part in our brains where she will continue her other life, she will continue to be present in the hearts and minds, talks by remembering every detail of the days we were together.

Such a sad moment, farewell is very difficult to say, but it’s much more difficult for people we love and share special common issues together, especially when it’s related to something we believe, a certain message of life to give hand of love, support and solidarity.

Dears, please tell Kickan that we love her, and will never forget her! All CYC children and members are well aware where you will be tomorrow and what you will be doing. Unfortunately we won’t be able to be among you, nor share with you these difficult moments.

Our deepest condolences to Kickan’s dear family, her friends, CYC family, our beloved Godparents.

Dear small family of Kickan, the CYC Foundation, what consoles us during this sorrowful time, is wishing to see you all always in good health, happiness and strength to complete the journey of struggle towards the future which Kickan and all the friends, Marianne, Ritva, Trygve, Leif, Christian, and others who preceded us worked for bringing love, peace, justice and freedom equal to Palestine children and all the world.

Rest In Peace Kickan.

Children & Youth Centre – Shatila and Nahr Al Bared

Abu Moujahed

Dear Abu Moujahed,

Sorry to hear about Kickan’s passing away. Our heartily and deepest condolences.

Yes, I agree to your suggestion and informing the children and youth about this team. It’s a legacy that should be highlighted.

Let us know what you plan to do.

Again, our love and condolences.

Wafa Issa, CYC Committee member

Dear Abu Moujahed

Feeling so sorry to hear that. I heard a lot about her efforts supporting Palestine and CYC. What I heard is little of what she gave.

Rest In peace

Rouhi Joumaa, CYC Committee member