Nyårsbrevet från Abu Mujahed

Abu Mujahed har skickat oss ett långt nyårsbrev. Det börjar med ett varmt tack för stöd under det gångna året och en önskan om ett bättre år för alla!

Här kommer en blandning av hans brev i original, med kommentarer, och översatta delar. Hoppas det kan ge en bild av läget.

Brevet startar med en kommentar till IS- illdåden i Paris, som föregicks av samma typ av självmordsbombningar i södra Beirut – närmare bestämt i lägret Bourj el Barajneh med ett stort antal dödade och skadade även där.

Abu Mujahed skriver i förtvivlat raseri om det som händer i MÖ:

”Who will care if some thousands in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia or Yemen etc die. those born either to be modern slaves or cheap labor, to live with their weakness, sickness, poverty and bowing for the generosity of their white lord. Why we have to surprise to see the war surrounding us, as long as since we born never we lived in peace, every few years we have to flee again and again, always we are target to different shape of war. The only concern to the West is the safety of Israel, and being strong to discipline who raise his head against the West Interest in the region. So the screaming against what has happen in Paris, not pity of the victims who fell there , but for what is coming not only  from who should be their tools like the terrorists organizations but also from those who never felt them selves citizens or respected or belonging to where they are. Its real threat to the Western governments directly, especially there is no real action to stop the terrorist groups…”

…och han pekar ut krafterna, inte minst vapenindustrin, bakom IS och krigshandlingar:

”Unfortunately The victims are everywhere from the ordinary people, those who are working for their bread and to survive their children and families. Other wise how we can believe that almost of all the Western Governments with the USA, Canada and Australia, Russia and Iran are involving in the war against the terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq and still the terrorists getting stronger and occupying new areas. Now by USA advise they want to establish an Islamic allies headed by Saudi Arabia to fight in Syria and Iraq. which means more weapons will be sell to those regimes and more money and benefit to the Western weapons industry. This dirty game no body won’t stop except if the popular movement forced the corrupted governments to stop the support to the terrorism and the criminal policies of destroying the peace and freedom of the other peoples. Everybody know that no peace in the middle east as long as the Palestinian cause don’t find the right solution and the Palestinians refugees return to their homes.”

…och han ser motkrafterna, solidaritet och fredsarbete i alla former, som motvikt till barbariet:

”So in spite of the pain and the big lose of honest people lives, children, mothers, old and young, we have to hope that the international peace movements and civil movement here and there to be more strong and affective to force the change. It is time for the peoples to live safe without wars and enjoy their peace and freedom seeing their children smiling without fears or risks.

That is why I am saying the hope is big and promising, just when we see those youngsters everywhere demonstrating against war and for peace and supporting Palestinians people struggle for freedom and ending the occupation in Gaza, West Bank and refugee camps. Boycotting Israel is increasingly larger, and the voice of calling for stop terrorism is getting clearer.

Again and again the question is time. Just little bit more patience…”


Sedan beskriver Abu Mujahed läget i Shatila CYC och här är texten översatt till svenska:

Reparation av vår byggnad:

Under november och december har vi arbetat hårt med reparationer. Vi har fått konstruera en kraftig stabiliserande pelare från markplan till tak. Vi har reparerat och gipsat inner taket på fjärde våningen. Så har vi förstärkt muren som omringar taket och stabiliserat den med pelare (däruppe fanns den stora läckan av förödande saltvatten, som gjorde takterrassen farlig att vistas på, och destabiliserade hela byggnaden). Vi har lagt 10 cm cement på taket för att stoppa vattenläckan som letade sig in i byggnaden. Vi har målat hela byggnaden inuti. Vi har byggt ett nytt paraply (skydd) över solcellspanelerna på taket. Vi har också fixat i ordning 6 toaletter och installerat nya rör och kranar där det behövdes. Även bytt trasiga tegelplattor.

Vi har också dragit en pipeline för sötvatten 150 meter i luften, och en pump har installerats, så att vi kan få sötvatten i våra ledningar.

Detta har kostat oss 16 000 dollar!

Nu återstår att:

  1. reparera 60 trappsteg i våra trappor
  2. byta tegelplattor framför ingången
  3. bygga en skyddande ”farstu” framför ingången med skyddsnät i metall ovanför. (det hände under hösten att en drogad, beväpnad man jagade ett barn in i entrén till CYC)
  4. måla huset utvändigt

Detta kommer att kosta 7 500 dollar

Vi har fått 14 200 dollar från UNICEF.

Den som kommer på besök kan uppleva skillnaden!

Om websidan och facebook:

Vi har fortfarande problem med att hinna skriva in allt vi gör på vår hemsida. Det som redovisas där är ungefär hälften av det vi har gjort. Och ofta kommer informationen sent till hemsidan. Vi försöker så gott vi kan och hinner. Mycket blir på arabiska – vi har svårare att hinna med uppdaterad info på engelska.

Frida, vän och fadder till CYC, var här på besök i december. Hon kom precis när vi hade en lunch för arbetsteamen i CYC Shatila och Nahr el Bared tillsammans med 3 representanter från UNICEF. Vi var sammanlagt 29 personer och vi fick pengarna från UNICEF. Vi hade ansökt om en summa för att kunna ge personalen en trevlig måltid tillsammans, som tack för årets slit.

Frida fick med sig en bunt av våra informationsfoldrar om CYC till Sverige – foldrar som hon var med och framställde i våras.

Vi har, tack vare speciellt skänkta pengar från Mixgården bl. a (Mixgården skänkte 25 000 insamlade kronor (2 800 dollar) till CYC vid besöket i höstas). Dessa pengar tillsammans med pengar skänkta av ”Läkare utan gränser” har gjort att vi har kunnat köpa 250 skolväskor utrustade med pennor, gummi, skrivbok mm samt vinterskor. Vi väntar på mer pengar för att kunna köpa pyjamasar (ett slags mjukiskläder, som värmer).

Vi har haft svårigheter med att få ut pengar som skickas till oss i dollar. Bankerna vill inte tillåta uttag från konton till små NGOs på grund av att USAs regering beslutat att pressa bankerna för att pressa Hezbollah – USA vill föra upp Hezbollah på listan som terroristorganisation. Det sitter dock Hezbollahrepresentanter i Libanons parlament.

Vi har försökt olika metoder att kunna få pengar överförda och vi ser nu att euros kommer fram till kontot så vänligen skicka pengar i euro.

Våra största behov just nu är att:

  1. fullfölja reparationerna av huset
  2. utveckla programmet för arbetet med barnen
  3. skaffa saker barnen behöver t ex datorer
  4. förnya den gamla utrustningen
  5. förbättra och förnya utrustningen i (klass)rummen för stödundervisning,
  6. sist men inte minst önskar vi, som alltid, att ett utbytesprogram med svenska barn och ungdomar ska bli verklighet!


Till sist fler citat ur Abu Mujaheds brev. Först om det politikiska och sop- läget i Libanon:

”In Lebanon there is no political situation,the politicians are commercials only, everything has price, even the country it self can be for sale. you that from before.Everything coming from out side, other wise how a country conditions can run without president, Parliament or government. Each minister open a state on his own. they meet only when there is a cake needs to be divided among them.

After 5 months since the Garbage started filling the streets and everywhere, this week with full pride the government has met to decide to export Lebanon garbage out of Lebanon, no body know to where, the companies have relation with the politicians, the 1 Ton of Garbage was cost with Souklen Company 150 US$, Now each Ton will coat to be exported 230 US$ plus the collection cost in Lebanon about 50 US$. So after all the tragedy and badly affecting the environment of Lebanon they want to export the Garbage instead they can benefit from it if they use the technological methods.”


Ska Sverige göra vinster här!!!!!?

”Any way, Sweden one of the names who will import the garbage from Lebanon, but maybe not because there is international conditions and how the garbage should separated and set according to the kind. Lebanon will pay high price out of the high pollution and the high rate of Dioxin in the air which will increase the cancer and skin and breathing diseases.”


Och om Libanons flyktingkris…

”The Refugee issue You have said that 100 thousand refuges made Sweden confused how to manage, So how Lebanon size which maybe as Goteborg area size can fit and receive about more than one million and more refugees of Syria, Palestinian, Iraqis, Asian, African and Kurds, plus with all the Lebanese discrimination policies and behavior towards the refugees.

For example Shatila can’t bear anymore, its difficult even to walk in the street. everything is difficult to the, most of them, Palestinian or Syrians are illegal, they hide themselves, because they are not allowed to enter to Lebanon except as tourists.

They have to pay at least 200 US$ to get permission to stay legally in Lebanon… Now there is new system the Syrian need who guarantee them in Lebanon as workers, so that has create new business to some Lebanese companies who give guarantee by 800 Dollars or more for the Syrian worker to enter Lebanon as worker not as refugee. That make the Syrian worker as slave, and please  the guarantor even if he is not working with him. Other wise that guarantor can say to General Security I stopped him and let him go back to Syria”


Hur klarar sig Libanons mest utsatta människor????

”So many organizations, international and local, are working for the refugees,while the refugees are throwing them selves to the smugglers to die in the sea instead being humiliated and live in misery in Lebanon. There are lot of money is flying in the sky over the head of the refugees, on their behalf but don’t reach their hands…

So many children out of schools, the same with the health care or housing. Everybody discriminated them. That is why the violence has increased, and the rate of delinquency,drugs, sexual and  moral abuse became clear and even sometimes open. So many are arrested on the check points and many thrown at the borders with Syria.

Now we are in the Winter, the heart is bleeding when you see the children,or mothers or sick old people suffering out of the cold with lack of warm cloths or cover.”

och vid Sveriges gräns skickas en del av dem nu tillbaka…


CYC agerar:

”Last weeks as you saw at the CYC web page, we have distributed diapers to 500 children but after lectures to the mothers(www.cycshatila.org), and food stuff for 150 families. also some second hand cloths we receive from friends.

Next week we are going to distribute the school bags with the stationary, and winter shoes to 335 children in Shatila and Nahr El Bared, and after we will distribute the Pajamas to the students. Unfortunately the money is less then what we need, so we are doing our best to cover all the children including the members of the cultural team and Football team who are not students, and the students of the illiteracy class. those are not covered yet with the distribution. But we will see how to manage.”


”Before yesterday on Christmas day we had children carnival in Shatila for more than 200 children where they have fun and happy day and yesterday the same in Nahr El Bared, the activities ended with small gift to each child. ”


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


All the best

Abu Moujahed


PS We happy to see our God Parents and friends are acting against NATO policies, and involve with the Boycott campaigns. Here we are talking about that all the time. Who can believe all those allies with  their American master can’t stopped the terrorists, where is the affect of all these rockets and war plane bombing in Iraq and Syria… The Russian interfering has made clear difference in Syria.

I agree with those who say that the money which is going to the war on terrorists can build and save lives of millions of people, it was great to find job opportunities, to build schools, hospitals, medicine and life improvement instead causing death and destruction and poverty. Meanwhile stop Israeli war machine killing the Palestinian, and worsen their daily life in and out of Palestine.