Nytt brev från Abu Moujahed

Dear godparents and friends to CYC

Thank you all for all support, it comes in right time!

At last we can start the new school year. According to the Education Minister the secondary schools started on 12th Oct. On 26th Oct. it should be the start of the schools for the elementary, intermediate and Kindergartens.

We have opened without any need to announce or encourage the children. They just started to come to the Centre and the KG (Kindergarten). The teachers are saying that the children are so happy, and there are no KG-children crying (which was usual when they came at the beginning…)

It is a very critical period, everybody is tens out of Corona… There are two very high and loud voices: one is with opening the schools, the other is against opening the schools. It is good the education Minister finally had the courage to say yes for the schools with condition: one week the students attend the classes, and one week the students follow from home by net. This divide the students in two teams to reduce the number of students in the class at the same time.

CYC and other associations have to follow these procedures. We are concentrating on strict roles: mainly the masks, sanitizing, reducing the number of students to 10 or 12 in the class, not more than 25-30 children in the activities, concentrate on distributing the children to different spaces and go to open spaces out of the Centre if possible.

The biggest problem is the prices of material. The main is the stationary and maintenance, everything is expensive and at high cost. The Dollar value is about 9000 LP (used to be 1500LP)

So we are going to use the money from you in this start of the educational year.

Thank you so much, thanks to all who contribute, because you really helped us to restart… especially in such miserable social and economic situation.

Best wishes to all there

Abu Moujahed